Thursday, August 30, 2012

Birthdays, Beds, and Back to School

With 3 children life gets crazy. And busy. And stressful. And sad.

Yesterday we took Leah to meet her new teacher for Kindergarten. We saw her classroom, and cafeteria and play ground, and gym, and library, and all the know, EVERYTHING. I really like her teacher, very nice woman. Leah found her table with her name where she will sit and the locker/cubby where her backpack will go. I have been through this with preschool, but this is different. Real school. With homework. Yes, I said it, homework. Oh. Boy.

I am not all that concerned about Leah. She is naturally outgoing and has never met a stranger. She just believes that everyone starts out being her friend. Which is good, on some levels. I am more concerned with how I am going to deal with this. First, I am going to miss her!!! She has school from 8:40-3:44 each day. All day I will be missing her! And for the kicker, she will be riding the bus. She is thrilled. I am worried! I know that might be silly. All I can think of is "what if she gets on the wrong bus home?" or "what if she misses the bus completely? " or "what if she doesn't get off at her stop?" I know it'll be OK, but just to be safe I contacted the transportation depot and got as much information as I could on all busing issues.

Now, not only are we doing Kindergarten this year. We just celebrated Lucy's first birthday. I cannot understand how that year went by so fast! She is just so big! And what a sweetheart! My wonderful sister in law helped take pictures of Lucy to mark her first year. Turned out great!

 My baby turns 1 and my oldest starts Kindergarten...that is enough for a mom right now, don't you think? Oh but wait, there is more!

Jackson will be turning 3 years old in a couple of weeks. Yes. Three. And on top of that, he is now officially in his big boy bed. A twin sized bed with big kid Lightening McQueen sheets. Will I regret taking him out of his cage crib? Who knows, but it was time.

This is just a lot of change for someone who does not do change well. Seriously. I cannot handle too much change. But that seems to be the story of my life lately. It'll all be OK though. Woooosaaaaah!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wonders of Wednesday

Today is Wednesday, and unlike a lot of day during the week, today is a little more eventful for me. Today, my hubby has an interview! So, it started me wondering....

Eric- I am wondering how your interview will go today. Of course we are all hoping it goes perfect! As we have been looking for a job for you to no avail for almost 4 months now. Insert sad face...

Lucy Goose- I wonder how you turned 1 year old so quickly and didnt even bother to ask me how I felt about it. It seems like we had her party, she turned 1, and life just moved on so quickly. I am just not ok with that! Also, I wonder why you had to wake up so upset today. I realize when youre hungry, youre hungry, but nobody likes to wake up to that...lets work on it ok?

Leah- How, on earth, I wonder, are you starting Kindergarten in 19 days????? Seriously!?! Talk about wondering where the time went. I swear we just had your first birthday pary in North Carolina. Yet here we are doing this new thing called "back to school" shopping. This is completely foreign to me...and I am not ready.

Jackson- You dear boy, make me wonder a lot of things. But mostly, how on earth did God make your normal speaking voice 10 times louder than the average human being? It's as if you are trying to contact someone accross the state using only your God given voice. Completely baffled.

Ben & Jerry's- I wonder how you come up with the best ice cream flavors ever. In all creation. The. Best. Ever. It's addicting. It's a problem. I wonder if I'll ever be able to control myself. Probably not. I suppose I will just have to add an extra 30 minutes to my already suffering work out.

Fisher Price/Vtech/Playschool/all other toy brands- I wonder why it is that you have to make your toys so loud. Now, I appreciate that on most of them there are 2 volume settings. My problem lies with how loud the loudest setting is. I don't mind the sounds, the music, the dinging. I mind that when my children turn the volume up on their toys, I have to talk louder for anyone to hear me. Annoying.

One last wonder.

Pinterest- Do I even need to say it? Ok, I will, even though we are all thinking it already. I wonder how you have become so addicting that you have to be a part of my every day? I cannot go an entire day without browsing through for at least a few minutes. And now that I have 12,649 crafts pinned to work on, I dont really have time to pin more. But I do. Everyday. I can't help it.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Hairy Truth

As you may know, my family has moved across the state recently. And as you may also know, I am a hair dresser. That being said, I have many clients in our previous city, and not so many in our current one. I am a stay at home mama so I do not contribute financially, aside from avoiding an insane day care bill each month. So, doing hair is my way of helping. As you may also know, my husband lost his, needless to say, we need any income possible right now with our family of 5.

About once a month I come back to said previous city to do hair. It is worth my while to make the money and see my much missed family. If my husband and kids aren't with me, at least one child tags along. This visit, Leah made the cut.

Yes, we snack BIG TIME in the car on long drives. We had a good 2 hours to go, so who wouldn't pack on the heavy side of snacks?

So I have 12,582 hair appointments this weekend to complete, and family to visit with. You are wondering how? How is this very human person going to accomplish all of that in the matter of 2 days? I dont have a clue! Today I have finished my hair stuff! I love to see these people, they have become family to me, and hey, some of them are family! So its great to see them! It is difficult though...since I am away and cannot always get back in time, people get desperate...this is what they say to me...

Truly, what were you thinking?!?! Now, instead of the hour and a half I typically spend with you...its doubled, and that is IF I can fix what you have done. When you think to yourself "I can color my own hair, how hard could it be?" Remember this...would you tell your self "I can perform this heart transplant, how difficult could it be?" I realize I am not cutting you open and dealing with vital organs, but come on people! Get with the program! I had to be educated and licensed to do this!

That being said, I miss my other little's. They are hanging with daddy this weekend, having daddy time. Which is good for them, especially my Lucy Goose, she is not feeling so hot with all 7 teethe coming in at the same time. Yes. You read that correctly. 7. Teethe. Same. Time.

But who cannot miss these faces?!

And yes, I do have the coolest kids in town! They rock those shades all over the place!

So, in conclusion, I have 14,794 heads of hair to do, sometimes it gets hairy, and I love/miss my way cool kiddos!