Yesterday we took Leah to meet her new teacher for Kindergarten. We saw her classroom, and cafeteria and play ground, and gym, and library, and all the know, EVERYTHING. I really like her teacher, very nice woman. Leah found her table with her name where she will sit and the locker/cubby where her backpack will go. I have been through this with preschool, but this is different. Real school. With homework. Yes, I said it, homework. Oh. Boy.
I am not all that concerned about Leah. She is naturally outgoing and has never met a stranger. She just believes that everyone starts out being her friend. Which is good, on some levels. I am more concerned with how I am going to deal with this. First, I am going to miss her!!! She has school from 8:40-3:44 each day. All day I will be missing her! And for the kicker, she will be riding the bus. She is thrilled. I am worried! I know that might be silly. All I can think of is "what if she gets on the wrong bus home?" or "what if she misses the bus completely? " or "what if she doesn't get off at her stop?" I know it'll be OK, but just to be safe I contacted the transportation depot and got as much information as I could on all busing issues.
Now, not only are we doing Kindergarten this year. We just celebrated Lucy's first birthday. I cannot understand how that year went by so fast! She is just so big! And what a sweetheart! My wonderful sister in law helped take pictures of Lucy to mark her first year. Turned out great!
My baby turns 1 and my oldest starts Kindergarten...that is enough for a mom right now, don't you think? Oh but wait, there is more!
Jackson will be turning 3 years old in a couple of weeks. Yes. Three. And on top of that, he is now officially in his big boy bed. A twin sized bed with big kid Lightening McQueen sheets. Will I regret taking him out of his
This is just a lot of change for someone who does not do change well. Seriously. I cannot handle too much change. But that seems to be the story of my life lately. It'll all be OK though. Woooosaaaaah!